UrMob Partner Scheme : InlineUsage

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In-line Usage

This content unit is designed to be used alongside In-lineTables. It produces a form that allows users to enter their expected usage and then the InlineTables will display the estimated monthly bill for each deal. This makes it much easier for users to find the cheapest deal for them.

An example of the usage form being shown before a standard in-line table showing the deals for the Nokia N80 can be seen here.

Basic Format

To include the usage form into your page you just need to add the following line to your html where you want the form to be displayed: -
<script src="http://www.urmob.co.uk/content/selectusage.php"></script>

Display Options

Display options will be added as needed/requested.


In-line tables will only be sorted by the estimated bill if they have the total cost column shown (&showcost=1) as the estimated bill value replaces the standard total cost column.

The usage data is stored on the UrMob domain. If a user enters their usage on UrMob and then visits a partner's site, or vice versa, the results will still use their usage information - even if the usage form isn't on the current page. If you never want your table to show estimated bills add &nousage=1 to the table url.

To help you test the form you can remove your usage data by visiting http://www.urmob.co.uk/clearusage.php